Latitude is the angular distance of a place north or south of the earths equator. Latitude of Perth Australia-31950527.
Western Australia Map Geography Of Western Australia Map Of Western Australia Worldatlas Com
It is 130 km closer to the meridian than tropical Singapore 13 N.
Latitude and longitude perth. Longitude of Perth Australia. Perth Perth and Kinross PH2 8PA UK Summary Perth the seat of Perth and Kinross District has a latitude of 56234315N and a longitude of 3255376W or 5639532 and -3431599 respectively. Latitude of Perth longitude of Perth elevation above sea level of Perth.
Flat Fee MLS Albuquerque. Part of the South West Land Division of Western Australia the majority of the metropolitan area of Perth is located on the Swan Coastal Plain a narrow strip between the Indian Ocean and the Darling Scarp a low. GPS coordinates of Perth United Kingdom.
Populated areas near Perth. The latitude of Perth WA Australia is -31953512 and the longitude is 115857048. Geographic coordinates of Perth Australia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography geodesy and navigation including Global Positioning System GPS.
To find the latitude and longitude of a location enter its human readable form ie. It is the fourth most populous city in Australia with an estimated population of 202 million on 30 June 2014 living in Greater Perth. Location of Kalamunda Perth S 31 58 264 E 116 3 288 on the map.
Perth WA Australia is located at Australia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 31 57 126432 S and 115 51 253728 E. Based on population the area is ranked 177 in the United Kingdom. Start Australia South Perth Home.
Distance between Perth Australia and an optional place as the crow flies. To center the map on a latitude-longitude coordinate pair enter the coordinates into the LAT latitude and LNG longitude fields and then click the locate map button. Latitude and Longitude of Perth.
4 рядків Perth Geographic coordinates. Perth is located at latitude -3195224 and longitude 1158614. 474925 190513 The geographical location geolocation of Perth.
Decimal lat-long coordinates are -3198333 11586667 Position. Geographic coordinates of Perth United Kingdom in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography geodesy and navigation including Global Positioning System GPS. Latitudeto is a free service the costs of the project server Google Geolocation API maintenance bug fixing new features are financed through Ads.
Latitude of Perth longitude of Perth elevation above sea level of Perth. Latitude and longitude coordinates are. An address placename or postalzip code etc into the LOC field and then click the load button.
It is one of the outskirts areas of Perth situated just less than 2 miles away of the coast of the Indian Ocean. Subiaco is a small town which is sometimes referred to as just Subi is a part of Western Australia. At latitude 001 N Ecuadors capital Quito straddles the Equator.
Latitude and longitude coordinates for South Perth Australia. Leaflet OpenStreetMap contributors. 1330 km further south Lima 1204 S the capital of Peru is about level with Darwin 124 S while Rockhampton 2337.
Longitude is the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich England or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object.
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